Site Investigation Survey

Detail of Site Investigation Survey Experiences:
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara  / PT Imprima / TBG
SIS in kalimantan  20+ Sites for Telkomsel and XL Networks
2010 – 2012
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara / PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi  / Telkomsel,
Site Investigation Survey (SIS) 123 Sites  in Maluku Kepulauan Back Bone, North & South Sulawesi,
none none
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara / PT ZTE Indonesia / Telkomsel,
SIS 17 Sites
2010 – 2011
none none
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara  / PT Imprima / Telkomsel/ PT ZTE
Site Investigation Survey 60+Sites in Sulawesi
2010 – 2011