Installation, Test & Commissioning

Detail of Installation, Test & Commissioning Experiences:
none none
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara / PT ZTE Indonesia / Telkomsel,
Telecom Implementation SWAP NSN GSM 12 Sites
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara / PT NEC Indonesia / Telkomsel,
Total NEC Pasolink  in  Sumalirja, East Java,  Kalimantan, and South Sumatera
2010 – 2011
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara /PT NEC Indonesia / Telkomsel,
Total NEC Pasolink  108 hops in Bali & Nusra
2009 – 2011
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara / PT Masindo / NSN / Telkomsel,
Telecom Implementation 2G Siemens & 3g Nokia in Nusra
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara  / PT Imprima  / EID / PT TelinInstallation, Test & Commissioning of Microwave and BTS  65 Sites in East Timor for Telkomcel Networks
PT Mandiri Daya Utama Nusantara / Bakrie Telecom,
Network Reengineering in Central Java, East Java and Bali
2010 – 2012